Sunday, March 16, 2008

Storyboard Portfolio of Robert Iza

Robert Iza Animation Demo Reel 2011 from Robert Iza on Vimeo.


J Short said...

I love your pictures! I just stumbled on your blog by accident and was completely captivated by your art! I don't really know what kind of motivation you had in creating it or for what purpose you plan on using your art for, but I simply think these paintings are great and could be used for anything. I kept getting mental images of children's books as I was going through them! Especially the pictures of the raddish/onion who was in love or the monster breaking the mixed tape I thought were especially creative and endearing! You have a wonderful ability to express yourself through art!

Tobias Schwarz said...

very nice style!

Kat said...

Wow, your work is so amazing! I love all your paintings <3

PJS said...

neat stuff!!!

Hobo Divine said...


I love that monster shooting the RAINBOW BLAST CURVE-BALL BEAM!

I bet you he yells that before he shoots it out of his mouth just like Old school Anime style.